SOLAR PANEL: High-efficiency lighting, solar panel roofing and charging stations for materials handling equipment.
EFFLUENT COLLECTION: Rainwater harvesting and defrost condensation collection systems.
ENVIRONMENT FRIENDLY REFRIGERANT: Expanding use of more efficient and environmentally-friendly refrigerant - Freon R404 a.
SAVE TREES: Transitioning towards a paperless office environment.
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Continuous training & development on ways to reduce energy consumption.
ENVIRONMENT SAFETY: Ensuring all expansions and new buildings have as low an environmental impact as possible.
Certifications & Affiliations
Technology driven operations ensures the track & trace of products through out the chain with temperature integrity.
Our team is responsible for the development & implementation of food safety & quality strategies in alignment with highest quality standards in food safety.
Quality & Safety is our prime focus, we are committed to achieve a safety first culture. our goal is to have zero error & injury free workplace.